1. Carefully read the description of the categories you wish to enter
In some categories judges will be looking for specific information, for example budgets and return on investment measures, such as number of placements made, post-campaign research or how campaign objectives were met. In other categories the judges will be looking for evidence of your creativity and adherence to a brief.
2. Include relevant supporting material
Categories requiring the submission of supporting information will be judged on this material, and the inclusion of such information is compulsory. Please note, entries that do not include supporting material and information will not be judged. A maximum of five PDF supporting documents can be uploaded per entry.
3. Answer questions fully, but succinctly
We recommend that your entries are as concise as possible, using bullet points if necessary. There is a 300 word limit for each question.
4. Be thorough
Please ensure that you read the Terms & Conditions of Entry information before completing the relevant category entry form(s) online.
4. Check and double check
Check and double check. Don’t let poor spelling and grammar let down an otherwise award-winning entry. Get someone who doesn’t know your organisation to read it and ensure that it makes sense to an outsider.