How to enter

Entering is easy – simply follow these steps:

  1. Review our categories to choose which you wish to enter from the list .
  2. Hit ' ENTER NOW ' from our menu bar and then you check one or more tickboxes next to the categories you wish to enter, then click on 'PROCESS'.
  3. NOTE, you don't have to select all categories in one go, you can always add an entry for another category later on. 
  4. Write your submission carefully, following the guidance and entry criteria, completing the entry form with all the information relevant to your project. Check out our judges tips for advice on writing a great entry.
  5. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the information you need just yet. The system will automatically save your submission and you can return and complete it at anytime before the deadline. Just go back into your account in the menu and log in.
  6. Please avoid using the individual or company's name in your answers. REC hides identifying fields from our judging panel to ensure submissions are reviewed without any potential bias, but names within answers are harder to restrict. We appreciate your assistance with our efforts to make our Judging process even more robust.
  7. Make any required payments. This payment is only applicable to company categories, individual categories are FREE for REC Professional members to enter.
  8. Ensure you leave enough time to complete the process before the entry deadline, 12 July.
  9. Don’t forget to click the ‘Complete’ button to confirm your submission.
  10. Start counting down until the shortlist is announced in September 2024 with your fingers crossed!

Click below to download an entry pack

(should you wish to share with colleagues or read offline)

Key dates:

  • Entry deadline: 12 July 2024
  • Shortlist announced: September 2024
  • Awards ceremony: 21 November 2024

Entry prices:

  • Individual categories: Free of charge
  • Company categories: £199+VAT

You can pay online or request an invoice from your Account Manager. Payment will need to be received before your entry would be considered for the shortlist.

Not a member yet, but wish to enter the awards?

Talk to our team today about joining the REC